Mobile operating theaters to Karlskoga Hospital
Swedish Modules delivers mobile operating theatres to Karlskoga Hospital
A two-year contract has been signed with Region Örebro County under which the county council will rent a mobile unit with three complete operating theatres while the operating ward at Karlskoga Hospital is undergoing renovation. Region Örebro has the option to extend the lease if necessary, and after the term of the lease, the unit can be modified and rented out to other county councils with similar needs.
“It’s extremely rewarding to be able to deliver this type of high-tech environment that is very demanding in terms of ventilation and operational reliability,” says Mats Stoltz, CEO of Swedish Modules.
While the quality standards are high, Swedish Modules has promised the customer rapid delivery. Construction will begin in Swedish Modules’ production facility this week, and the operating theatres will be up and running already at the beginning of December.
The picture shows the first steel module for the three operating theatres being put in place for completion of the high-tech unit, in the production facility at Swedish Modules i Emtunga, Vara.
For more information please contact:
Mats Stoltz, CEO, mats.stoltz@swedishmodules.com, +46 76-852 36 06
Katarina Fellbrant, press officer, katarina@stenhaga.com, +46 709 99 77 71